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We have complete treatments for your new


Our services

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Why choose a bariatric procedure?

By choosing a weight loss procedure you may find that your quality of life will improve.

Choosing a bariatric procedure means that pre-existing conditions related to obesity can improve exponentially.
Among these conditions are:

  • Diabetes

  • Hypertension

  • High cholesterol

  • Heart disease

  • Infertility

  • Sleep disorders

  • Fatty liver

Our goal is to improve the patient's fullness and assist them in making a change in their life.

What we do

We provide our clients with various methods, not only for weight loss, but also for better management of a healthy life.


We offer advice on better eating practices, exercise, weight loss surgeries, follow-ups, medication and much more.

Fill out our form for an evaluation!

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  • How can I start the process to have surgery?
    If you are interested in starting your process for surgery, it is as easy as following the following steps. Fill out the application form. Receive information about the procedure you selected and find out if you pre-qualified for your selected procedure. Receive your quote and schedule your medical consultation. Choose your procedure date and make your deposit of 600 USD. Our team is highly trained to attend to each of your needs. You will receive detailed information from our Coordination team on each of the services included, such as nutritional guidance, pre-operative laboratories, among others. We accompany you from the beginning to the end of the process.
  • What does nutritional guidance and diet consist of?
    Nutritional guidance and diet is an essential element of any bariatric procedure. Every patient who undergoes a bariatric procedure must undergo follow-up with our nutritionist both before the procedure and after the procedure. The monitoring is divided into two parts: The pre-operative diet The post-operative diet The preoperative diet usually begins two weeks before the procedure. Its main goal is to help patients reduce any inflammation they have in their liver. Patients will be contacted by our nutritionist and will then be provided with all appropriate instructions for the diet. The diet begins with soft foods and ends with clear, sugar-free liquids. The post-operative diet is a long-term commitment. Start with clear, sugar-free liquids and end with solid foods. This process takes weeks, however, each week patients introduce new foods as their body allows in their recovery process. Patients will be able to fully enjoy the change and its results by following the diet instructions. Our nutritionist will be accompanying you every step of the way.
  • I have diabetes and hypertension. Can I have a bariatric procedure?
    For patients who have any type of obesity-related condition, a bariatric procedure is widely recommended to help with the condition. Thanks to the weight loss and benefits of the procedure, conditions such as: Diabetes Hypertension High cholesterol Heart diseases Infertility Sleep disorders Fatty liver They may improve after the procedure.
  • How many days should I rest at home after my procedure?
    Among all the postoperative care instructions given to patients, it is of utmost importance to avoid heavy physical activity and carrying objects weighing more than 7 kilograms. This is directly related to the time spent resting at home. The rest time varies depending on your work area: Office jobs or jobs where the patient spends most of the day sitting: Rest at home is short-term. Jobs with a lot of physical activity: Rest should be 6 weeks. It is important to share in detail the activities they carry out at work so that the best rest time can be recommended to the patient.
  • Upon leaving hospitalization, do I need to return for any post-operative consultation? in person?
    Once the patient has returned home after the procedure, all follow-up, both medical and nutritional, will be given online. To facilitate monitoring for patients who come from foreign areas, it is easily done online. It is not necessary for the patient to return for any type of post-operative consultation in person, unless the patient wishes to have an in-person consultation, we will be happy to provide it.
  • I have had a bariatric procedure in the past, but did not get the results that I wanted. What I can do?
    For patients who have had a bariatric procedure in the past and are looking to lose more weight, a revisional procedure is recommended. Revisional procedures, as their name indicates, have the objective of reviewing the procedure they already have and modifying it to then help the patient lose weight optimally. There are several revision procedures, during the process the ideal procedure will be recommended to the patient according to their medical history, needs and other details.
  • What does the price of the surgery include?
    Depending on the needs of the patient and the same procedure that the patient undergoes, different services are included. The package is inclusive for all the needs that the patient has while in Tijuana. After an evaluation of what additional services the patient may need, a quote will be provided for each of the services listed. The following services are usually included: Nutritional guidance (diet) Night(s) of hospitalization depending on the procedure Preoperative laboratories Electrocardiogram Prescription medication Optional: San Diego-Tijuana round trip Optional: Hotel stay Additionally, additional services are included depending on the procedure and age of the patient, such as a medical evaluation by an internist. On the other hand, optional round-trip transportation from San Diego-Tijuana and hotel nights are provided to patients who require it. Also, other services can be provided to patients such as C-PAP machine, endoscopy during the procedure, endoscopy after the procedure, hernia repair and cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal) can be added optionally for an additional price. For more information please contact Coordination.
  • If I bring a companion, is there an additional cost?
    Body Art BARIATRICS does not charge any additional costs for bringing a companion, however, there are additional third party charges that may apply for companions. It is not mandatory to bring a companion to the procedure, however, patients who like to bring a companion, either for personal reasons or as emotional support, are welcome. Additional charges that may be made to patients by third parties fall to Hotel and cross-border transportation. Companions are welcome to visit their family member/friend in hospitalization, however, companions are not allowed to stay overnight with their family member/friend while they are in hospital. For this reason, companions may stay at their preferred address or in a hotel. For those foreign companions, the number of nights in the hotel can easily be extended while the patient is hospitalized. An additional charge is made for these additional hotel nights. On the other hand, when scheduling cross-border transportation for those patients who require it, a companion is additionally included as long as the patient and companion share the same pick-up times. In the event that the schedules between the patient and his companion do not coincide, they would be charged as additional transportation. Example: The patient arrives at 11:50 am at the San Diego Airport and his companion arrives at 2:15 at the San Diego Airport, so this would be considered an additional transportation which would be taken as an additional charge.
  • What does the deposit consist of?
    Once the patient has received information and has had their medical consultation, the deposit serves to confirm their procedure date. Once the deposit is made, your date will be reserved and no one else will be offered that space. The deposit is 600 USD. In case of cancellation, the deposit is non-refundable, unless there is a verifiable and justifiable medical reason. The deposit is not transferable.
  • What are the payment methods?
    We currently have several payment methods for our patients. The patient can choose the method or methods that are most convenient for him, in other words, different methods can be mixed with each other. In addition to this, the patient can make as many displays of money as he wishes. The total price of the procedure must be settled before it begins.
  • Do they have financing systems?
    At the moment we do not offer a financing system for patients who are looking to make monthly payments, however, patients can easily schedule their procedure date in the short, medium, or long term according to their needs. Patients are recommended to book in the medium or long term to comfortably cover the price on the day of their procedure.
  • What is the return policy?
    For the initial deposit, in case of cancellation, the deposit is not refundable, unless there is a verifiable and justifiable medical reason. The deposit is not transferable. For additional payments made after the deposit, in case of cancellation 7 days or less before the day of the procedure, a cancellation fee of 300 USD will be charged, unless there is a verifiable and justifiable medical reason.< /p>
  • How to access the site?
    To log into your account: Click Enter in the upper right corner. Enter your email. Do one of the following: Enter your password. Click Continue with Facebook. Click Continue with Google. Click Sign In.
  • How do I reset my password?
    Change your password Open your Google Account. You may need to log in. Under "Security", select Google Sign-in. Choose Password. You may need to log in again. Enter your new password, then select Change Password. Reset your password Follow the steps to recover your account. You will be asked a few questions to confirm that the account belongs to you; In addition, you will receive an email. If you do not receive it, please do the following: Check your spam or bulk email folders. Add to your address book. To request another email, follow the steps to recover your account. Check all email addresses you may have used to register or access your account.
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